dengan lafaz Bismilllahirrahmanirrahim laju plak jari jemari aku ni menekan keyboard....hihi...
sape kate berubah menjadi baik atau menjadi lebih baik tu senang? angkat tangan.....
sape rase susah angkat kaki......hihihi...
selama ni aku agak banyak jugak la baca buku2 motivasi inggeris, bila duduk kat rumah kakak aku, tertarik dengan satu buku ni... BAWA HATIMU KEPADA TUHAN karya ustaz Amaluddin Mohd Napiah... aku tertarik dengan satu perbincangannya di mukasurat 62 under subtopik -kita perlu kuat untuk berpisah dengan kejahatan.....
aku tuliskan kembali di sini
"seandainya ALLAH S.W.T mengutuskan malaikat kepada orang yang soleh iaitu pelaku kebaikan dan ketaatan untuk terus mendorongnya melakukan kebaikan, maka begitulah halnya dengan golongan fasik, iaitu pelaku dosa dan maksiat. dia menjadi individu yang bukan sahaja senang hati dengan maksiat, malah meengasihi dan mementingkannya, sehinggalah ALLAH S.W.T membiarkan syaitan-syaitan dan hawa nafsu mendorongnya ke arah kegelapan maksiat itu."
bagi aku, susah sebenarnya nak berubah menjadi lebih baik secara realitinya kat dunia ni... tapi, it is not something yang impossible to achieve........ akan jadi mudah bila betul2 mahu bertekad.... bermujahadah melawan nafsu.... niat yang ikhlas betul2 kerana ALLAH tanpa mengharapkan pujian manusia... (
sedar atau x..ade manusia (kita2 ni) bangga bila melakukan dosa... contohnya, bangga bila keluar dating berdua-duaan tanpa mahram..siap berpegang tangan atau menunjuk2 kepada orang lain..ade sister yang bangga bile mendedahkan aurat, tayang rambut blonde... guna jari pun boleh........
alaa, setakat berpegang tangan , bukan zina pun..... belum sampai seru lah nak pakai tudung, Malaysia ni panas lah..tunggu la tua sikit baru pakai tudung... aku memang sedih kalau belajar tinggi2, tapi bab2 agama ni fail..sebab nanti bila di hisab depan ALLAH xde lagi la yang aku baca setakat ni or belajar or aku dengar...ok.. yang ade sijil SPM hinggaPHD akan terima amalan dari tangan kanan, akan masuk syurga tanpa dihisab.. yang takde pelajaran or SPM xde dan ke bawah akan confirm dapat tangan kiri otomatik masuk neraka? ke ade ek? saper2 yang ade dengar tantang ni tolong bagitau aku, aku nak belajar dari dia, dari kitab mane? kalo ade memang aku x abis berguru lah ni... hihihi...
aku rasa pertama nak berubah adalah tekad untuk berubah mendapat kecintaan ALLAH... untuk tu, kena bersungguh betaubat kepada ALLAH. jgn sesekali bertangguh2 untuk berubah...
jangan kita jemu, malas, menangguh untuk bertaubat kepada ALLAH S.W.T. dalam buku ni, dia ade mention ayat yang bagi aku sangat mendalam...
"Ingat kita adalah anak-anak akhirat, bukannya anak-anak dunia"
sebagaimana yang dipesankan oleh Saiyidina Ali r.a:
"buangkanlah jemu, dalamilah ilmu, singkirkan kemalasan, fikirkan keampunan, buang sikap menangguh-nangguh, gantikan dengan taubat yang bersungguh. yakinlah di depan ada pintu taubat dan kerahmatan telah dan sedang terbuka luas buat orang-orang yang benar2 mahu bertaubat."
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Wahai hamba-hambaKu yang telah melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri (dengan perbuatan-perbuatan maksiat), janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengampunkan segala dosa; sesungguhnya Dia lah jua Yang Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani. (Az-Zumar:53)
bagi aku macam ni lah, setiap ape perkara yang kita nak ubah tu mesti istiqamah..ape benda plak istiqamah ni? yang pasti ia bukanlah sejenis kuih karipap...... (gurau je) istiqamah ni adalah ketetapan hati penuh dengan keazaman.. ni bahasa aku sendiri ye.......... maknanye kita tetap dengan pendirian kita...
aku teringat plak masa aku conduct satu sessi motivasi kat SMK ASSUNTA mase mula2 masuk matrik aku join saat2 akhir selepas kawan aku betul2 mintak tolong..FUHH..berpeluh gak la nak conduct..aku x pernah lagi conduct sekolah Bandar , sekolah mengah plak tu..aku xkan tarik diri atas sebab2 minor mcm ni..aku gagahkan jugak hati aku ni join..hope to learn something from it..i take it as a challenge.. ok..aku nekad...
memg aku terkejut, yelah, slama ni aku duk dalam kelompok yang selesa.. maksud aku kat sini aku dah faham sikit2 ajaran agama, solat, puasa, tutup aurat...semua buat....... tapi, kali ni betul2 menguji aku.......
diorang x solat sangat, on off.. x tutup aurat... masa ni aku tanya diorang ( ade cara dan panduan untuk bercakap hal macam ni..ianya x boleh direct) nak dipendekkan cerita, masa kitorang dah rapat2 selepas 2 or tiga sessi ngan diorang, diorang ade tanya aku pasal nak pakai tudung dan nak jadi baik...ALHAMDULILLAH......berjalan lancar gak akhirnya..sampai satu part tu, aku tanya diorang, kenapa x pakai tudung? diorang jawab.. mak dan sedara mara semua x pakai tudung..
"kak ilah, pelik la kalo kitorang je yang pakai tudung......... ok..aku dah agak dah akan kuar jawapan mcm ni..solat? jarang la... pernah ade seorang adik tu citer, satu keluarga dia x solat, dia mangaku islam hanya pada nama jer......... (sambil nangis2)... aku tanya diorang..tahu x solat dan menutup aurat tu wajib? dorang mengangguk..... siapa yang suruh? diorang jawab ALLAH... ok..aku menturkan lagi kata2....cube fikirkan kita sape dan ALLAH saper? manusia dan ALLAH sangatlah tinggi perbezaannya.... aku tanya lagi..nanti apabila kita mati siapa yang akan kita hadap? diorang jawab ALLAH... mane lebih penting tuk dijaga..hubungan dengan ALLAH pastinya.... jgn pedulikan cakap2 manusia yang dengki bila kita berubah, aku cakap lagi sbgai provokasi, diorang yang mengata ni ke yang akan tolong kat akhirat nanti?........... ape yang perlu kita buat ialah berdoa untuk terus istiqamah , biar ALLAH bukakan jalan walaupun ape yang kita buat sekadar mampu...aku pesan kat diorang, kalau kita baik kita akan dijadikan teladan, even pada orang yang lebih tua dari kita... ALHAMDULILLAH... ade mula2 telefon aku bagitau yang dia dah bertudung dan solat dengan sempurna.... dia kata kat aku," kak ilah, betul la mase mula2 tu susah, tapi x mustahil"
.... skang ni ibu dia pun dah bertudung... ada jugak yang x berjaya lantaran persekitaran, memg x sepatutnya dijadikan alasan, tapi dia kata dia cuba akan pakai tudung dan menutup aurat dengan sempurna... dia cerita kat aku, pernah dia nak g kenduri auntie dia kat cheras, dia mintak nak pakai tudung ngan mama dia, sambil membela tudung d cermin depan, papa dia lalu dan berkata " x yah lah kak long pakai tudung... nampak pelik jer... mama dia menambah.... mama pun rasa sama, x yah pakai tudung nanti malu plak sedara2 tengok, macam pelik jer...aku terdiam..mcmane aku nak jelaskn untuk situasi mcm ni..aku cakap kat dia, banyakkan doa supaya mama dan papa or sedara mara berubah hati.....menjadi lebih baik..ALHAMDULILLAH.. latest brita yang aku dengar dia dah berjinak2 ngan tdung dan sejak dia ade pluang masuk matrikulasi kedah dia memg dah pakai tudung sepenuhnya dan dia terangkan kat mama n papa dia kewajipan bertudung....knapa di wajibkan bertudung, skranng ni dah xde halangan dari papa dan mama dia, dia dah x pedulikan kate2 orang sekeliling lagi........ keep it up!!! moga ALLAH berikan sebesar2 ganjaran tuk orang yang ingin berubah ni memandangkan ianya adalah suatu ibadah yang sangat2 dituntut..
Jom!!! jihad melawan nafsu bermula sekarang..........!!!!
buat NOR AIDILLAH BINTI HARUN anda terlalu banyak kekurangan yang perlu diperbaiki dan anda perlu menjadi orang yang baik dan lebih baik....
Tanamkan azam menjadi yang terbaik di dunia dan Akhirat...Aminnn........
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
my Ex-Friend S.K.K.T special...
wah dah lama tak menulis entry kat blog ni...
now, i would like to write something .... tetiba lah kan ade masa n idea tuk menulis...
lagipun duduk kat umah kakak aku ni banyak masa terluang....
the title somehow sound interesting...
tp x sebenarnyer ...hahaha
entry kali ni aku rase nak tujukan khas untuk kawan2 masa sekolah rendah dulu (tahun 1994-1999) yang dah mendirikan rumahtangga dan yang dah mempunyai cahayamata.....
p/s: ni tuk kawan2 sekolah rendah jer... hihihi..if nak letak gambar2 kawin kwn2 sekolah menengah, ataupun kat uia..memg berpeluhla...hihihi..
kita hayati sejenak ayat quran ni.. ni dari surah ar-rum ayat 21..
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.
bila kita renung dan beramal balik dalam ayat ni , kita akan dapat menilai dan mengetahui bahawa antara ayat2 ALLAH yg mengharuskan perkahwinan......
ni semua tanda2 kekuasaan ALLAH menciptakan kebahagiaan dari perkahwinan.... (macam kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan lak....)
aku doakan kebahagiaan tuk sahabat2 aku sumer..
aku sayang korang sangat2...
aku rase beruntung sangat2 dapat kenal kawan2 mase sekolah rendah dulu...
kitorang rapat sangat2... mase blajar, mase main, rindunya waktu tu...
sekarang dah tahun 2011, dan x sangka umurpun dah 24 pun masing2...
salah satu inisiatif aku tuk mengumpul balik kawan2 aku, aku telah mengcreated grup kat facebook...
kalo boleh aku tak nak kawan2 hilang macam tu jer..(mode sedih la plak...)
rasenyer baru jer main kejar2, main milo (galah panjang) after balik fardhu ain, main getah, main doktor2 mase cikgu takde,,hahahahaa....
kenangan yang x mungkin dilupakan.... gaduh2, pastu baik balik...
andai dapat ku undurkan putaran dunia.......tiba2termasuk lagu AXL..hahaaha
bestnyer kenang2 balik.... nak semula ke zaman itu...... kalo ada doraemon, dah lama gunakan mesin mase, kembalikan aku ke tahun 1994...... wargggghhhhhh.......
gambar2 ni aku cedok dari facebook diorang.... sory gang... huhu..
berpeluh gak la nk mengesavenyer..tapi, takper...demi kawan2...
kata entry khas tuk kawan2 sekolah rendah yang dah mendirikan rumahtangga... hihi
Tahniah dan aku doakan agar perkahwinan diorang ni akan kekal hingga ke syurga...
dan saper2 lagi kawan2 yang bakal menyusul lagi selepas ni..... aku akn update balik nanti... hihihi
wah dah lama tak menulis entry kat blog ni...
now, i would like to write something .... tetiba lah kan ade masa n idea tuk menulis...
lagipun duduk kat umah kakak aku ni banyak masa terluang....
the title somehow sound interesting...
tp x sebenarnyer ...hahaha
entry kali ni aku rase nak tujukan khas untuk kawan2 masa sekolah rendah dulu (tahun 1994-1999) yang dah mendirikan rumahtangga dan yang dah mempunyai cahayamata.....
p/s: ni tuk kawan2 sekolah rendah jer... hihihi..if nak letak gambar2 kawin kwn2 sekolah menengah, ataupun kat uia..memg berpeluhla...hihihi..
kita hayati sejenak ayat quran ni.. ni dari surah ar-rum ayat 21..
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and He has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.
bila kita renung dan beramal balik dalam ayat ni , kita akan dapat menilai dan mengetahui bahawa antara ayat2 ALLAH yg mengharuskan perkahwinan......
ni semua tanda2 kekuasaan ALLAH menciptakan kebahagiaan dari perkahwinan.... (macam kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan lak....)
aku doakan kebahagiaan tuk sahabat2 aku sumer..
aku sayang korang sangat2...
aku rase beruntung sangat2 dapat kenal kawan2 mase sekolah rendah dulu...
kitorang rapat sangat2... mase blajar, mase main, rindunya waktu tu...
sekarang dah tahun 2011, dan x sangka umurpun dah 24 pun masing2...
salah satu inisiatif aku tuk mengumpul balik kawan2 aku, aku telah mengcreated grup kat facebook...
kalo boleh aku tak nak kawan2 hilang macam tu jer..(mode sedih la plak...)
rasenyer baru jer main kejar2, main milo (galah panjang) after balik fardhu ain, main getah, main doktor2 mase cikgu takde,,hahahahaa....
kenangan yang x mungkin dilupakan.... gaduh2, pastu baik balik...
andai dapat ku undurkan putaran dunia.......tiba2termasuk lagu AXL..hahaaha
bestnyer kenang2 balik.... nak semula ke zaman itu...... kalo ada doraemon, dah lama gunakan mesin mase, kembalikan aku ke tahun 1994...... wargggghhhhhh.......
gambar2 ni aku cedok dari facebook diorang.... sory gang... huhu..
berpeluh gak la nk mengesavenyer..tapi, takper...demi kawan2...
kata entry khas tuk kawan2 sekolah rendah yang dah mendirikan rumahtangga... hihi
now, let the pic talk..... malas nak tulis banyak2....
ini adalah FAKIHAH & SUAMI.... |
ni plak SUMALIA &suaminya...ini bukan gambar kawin diorang..huhu..sory |
ni plak NAZIRAH & SAIFUL.. secocok gitu...hihi |
SAKINAH & HAFIZ bersama anaknya yang comel & tembam NAJLA BATRISYIA |
ni plak kuarga DILA... sory, ni gamber agak lame coz skang ni dia dah ader tiga orang anak dah..hihih |
ni plak pasangan AZRI & ALIA....( yang ni dengar2 citer bakal bertukar status jadi bapa) |
dan saper2 lagi kawan2 yang bakal menyusul lagi selepas ni..... aku akn update balik nanti... hihihi
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Coretan Untuk Diri.........
tak tahu kenapa hari ini aku terlalu ingin menulis sesuatu ke dalam blog ni walaupun aku ada test pp (professsional practice) esok...dan tak tahu jugak kenapa laju je jari jemari ni laju menekan keyboard.....
aper yang aku nak tulis pun aku tak pasti..
yang pasti masa study pp tadi, aku tak dapat study dengan tenang, tak macam kebiasaannya...
bukan malas... tapi tak tau kenapa...
jarang aku macam ni..... semalam telefon emak.... tak tau kenapa tiba2 teringat.......
mak ayah and adik beradik semua.......
sempat kot aku cakap kat mak...
"mak, doakan orang kat sini.... tak taulah hati ni tak tenang, banyak kerja nak buat, banyak test lagi, pastu 31/3 dah start exam..."
mak aku macam kebiasaan dia jawab " mak kat sini sentiasa doa anak2 mak berjaya" mak bangun malam2 slalu doa... bukan berjaya dalam plajaran jer, dapat kerja, berjaya dalam hidup, dan penting anak2 mak berjaya kat akhirat..."
dengar ayat tu..aku memang nak menitiskan airmata.. masa tu intonasi mak pun dah lain.. aku apalagi..bukan ego untuk menangis... tapi kalau aku menangis waktu tu susah kot nak berhenti..huhu...cepat2 aku alihkan percakapan walaupun suara aku dah lain... aku memang tak boleh tahan dengan ayat2 mak...
tiba2 teringat kat emak dan ayah kat kampung..
kalau tanya aku saper orang yang aku paling kagum dan paling aku sayanggggggg.....
tanpa teragak2 aku akan jawab mak ayah aku
Wan Yah binti Wan Ibrahim dan Harun Bin Abu Bakar...
dua insan yang tak pernah kenal letih dan jemu mendidik kami adik-beradik sampai kami berjaya...
bekerja penat2 demi membesarkan kami 9 beradik. kerja kampung, bukan kerja pejabat, bukan dalam air-cond, tapi panas terik......... sedih kalau nak cerita bab ni...
YA ALLAH YA TUHANKU!!! kau ampunkanlah dosaku dan dosa kedua ibubapaku dan rahmatilah mereka sebagaimana mereka telah mendidikku sejak dari kecil, kau berikanlah ketenangan ke dalam hati mereka, kau kurniakanlah kepada mereka kesihatan tubuh badan agar dapat mereka menambahkan ibadah kepadaMu, jauhkanlah mereka dari perkara2 yang menjauhkan mereka dari cintaMU, terimalah ibadah2 mereka, dekatkanlah hati mereka dengan hatimu YA ALLAH... AMIN YA RABBAL ALAMIN....
Saturday, February 19, 2011
TiBa2 TeriNgaT La PlaK............
huhu..tibe2 teringat lagu2 waktu aku kecik2 dulu..
besst kot..
lagu xpdc..
lagu2 ni bukan jiwang or cintan cintun mcm zaman skang ni...
tp lebih pada persahabatan n keazaman..
aku suke sangat pada liriknya..
waktu ni aku braper tahun dah x ingat...
tapi pengaruh abg2 aku memg kuat..
2 org abang macm 10 orang..
biasalah diorang waktu dulu...
masuk bilik diorang dengar lagu2 nirvana, MLTR, XPDC n banyak lagilah, ....
hihi.... last2 mase abang aku nk tingggalkan malaysia dulu..dia jual sume kaset2 nirvana n MLTR kat kengkawan dia... melopong jap aku..dah xder kawan sekepala..abang aku lagi sorang plak dah join training kat PD....
ni antara lagu yang aku minat:-
Tidak engkau seorang
Juang hingga titisan
Rempuh tak berharapan
Nanti aku di sana
Di ufuk pemikiran
Lalu menghayatinya
Kita laksanakan
Mata hati yang damai
Di sana kejujuran
Semarak impian segunung harap dipulang
Usahlah diragukan keupayaan sendiri
Hati yang membara mengikutkan kata-kata
Jawapannya di sini
Semangat kita yang hilang
Oh kita cari pulang
Malu bertanya kawan
Sesat cari jalan pulang
Biar ia berkesan
Di lubuk hati terbenam
Friday, January 28, 2011
Should HuduD Law Be InpLEmeNteD in MaLaYsia?
this is my research paper for LE 4000 (english for academic purpose)..
ni, if korang nak buat rujukan pun boleh..
dibenarkan ..
tapi jgn tiru sebijik2 sudahlah...
if nak cedok ilmu dari sini dipersilakan.....
ini hanyalah sbgai kajian semata2 dan harap ianya tidak menyentuh sensitivity mana2 pihak....
ingat lagi, waktu nak siapkan ni..suffer skit.....
lot of sacrifices................. tapi berbaloi..
sekurang2nye aku tahu serba sikit tentang hudud law ni......
sekarang ni nak kongsikan plak dengan korang sumer.......
Should Hudud Law be implemented in Malaysia?
Abdur Rahman I.Doi (1992). Shari’ah: The Islamic Law. Malaysia: Percetakan Zafar
Sdn.Bhd. Kuala Lumpur.
ni, if korang nak buat rujukan pun boleh..
dibenarkan ..
tapi jgn tiru sebijik2 sudahlah...
if nak cedok ilmu dari sini dipersilakan.....
ini hanyalah sbgai kajian semata2 dan harap ianya tidak menyentuh sensitivity mana2 pihak....
ingat lagi, waktu nak siapkan ni..suffer skit.....
lot of sacrifices................. tapi berbaloi..
sekurang2nye aku tahu serba sikit tentang hudud law ni......
sekarang ni nak kongsikan plak dengan korang sumer.......
Should Hudud Law be implemented in Malaysia?
Nor Aidillah Binti Harun.
International Islamic University Malaysia
This research paper is mainly about the Islamic Criminal Law known as Hudud law. The topic has been narrowed down on the implementation of Hudud laws, which will be focused on Malaysia at present time. Implementation of Hudud laws in Malaysia , has become one of the interesting burning issue where become a center of much debates all time but still have not yet reach the conclusion. More questions are often raised than answers received in a public forum on this issue. Basically, this paper will discuss on the reasons why Hudud law should be implementing in Malaysia at the present time. So, at the end of this paper, hopefully it will give the readers the ideas on this topic.
Shariah (Islamic) Criminal law encompasses of ‘Hudud’, ‘Qisas’ (retaliation)and ‘Ta’azir’ offences as well as their punishments.However, the most controversial from these three is hudud law. Abdur Rahman I.Doi(1992) in giving the definition of Hudud, according to him “The word ‘Hudud’ is the plural of an Arabic word ‘Hadd’ which means prevention, restraint or prohibition and for this reason, it is a restrictive and preventive ordinance or statute, of Allah concerning things lawful (Halal) and things unlawful (Haram)”. (p.221).
Punishments concerning hudud are the matter of fixed punishment because it has been fixed by Quran and Sunnah. It brings mean that hudud cannot be increased, decreased, or altered by anyone even the head of the state. If the accused found guilty, he has no right to appeal or to reduce the punishment. It is seems harsh as it involved the right of Allah for a crime. There are seven crimes of hudud in Islamic Criminal Law. There are zina(adultery), Qazf(false accusation), sariqah(theft), harabah(robbery and dacoity), dringking intoxicating liquor, rebellion and apostacy.
The title has been specified into Hudud implementation in Malaysia. The issue of Implementation of Hudud Law in Malaysia is not new. This issue has been arised by the Islamic opposition party in 1997; however, their proposal to implement hudud law in Malaysia became controversial due to different views given by the society as well as the politician. Lately, Malaysian were shocked when a woman, Kartika Sari Dewi Sukarno, was sentenced by the Pahang shariah court to six lashes of the rotan for drinking alcohol was raised many opinions and views. Among the views is concerning hudud law, they said that it’s very harsh as we not implement hudud law. The question then arise, What if the hudud law really implemented in our country?
Many people are becoming aware on the matters concerning of Islamic Jurisprudence. Problems relating to judiciary nowadays not restricted only for the lawyers or judges to discuss but layman had already opened their eyes and start talking about this academically. Every person had their own views but sometimes their views are not based on a relevant ground. Many people have negative thinking when arriving into Hudud issue. This punishment is the one that seems to them do not fit the laws of certain countries and maybe could not be implemented at all. Moreover, our country consist of multi-racial that seems possible to implement this law. Even though there is arguments that hudud law should not be implemented in Malaysia as there are many controversial issues of its implementation, but still hudud law should not be rejected on the whole without giving any consideration. Do we really understand the meaning behind its enforcement or we just talk about it according to our thought or mind set? I strongly believe that hudud law should be implemented in Malaysia because it is relevant and effective law in combating crimes, it is applicable to all, and it is not contravenes multiple norms and values of international human right law.
2.1 Argument 1: Hudud is relevant and effective law in combating crimes.
Hudud’s nature is to deter. A prominent writer, Captain Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah states that the main objective of hudud is not to punish, but to deter man from committing crime. hudud is daunting and intimidating, so that man will be frightened of the crime and will stay away from it ( This is mentioned by Allah when Allah said that “these are the limits (Hudud) set by ALLAH, so near them not”.(surah Al-Baqarah: 187)
The biggest difference between hudud punishment and other punishment is that hudud punishment is physical, like flogging, whipping, cutting the hand, exile and other physicals punishment. Logically and in reality, these physical punishments really give a big impact and influence on the criminal rather than prison, fine or other conventional punishments. It will deter people from committing crime thus the rate of crime will fall. Moreover, conventional judicial system used nowadays that is considered modern and updated, is actually plagiarized from Islamic system. Imagine when man 1400 years ago lived in ignorant times and dark ages, Islam has put down the basis for the punishment of a crime. So that, hudud is still relevant law and is applicable all the time even in this so called modern life.
According to Prof.Hashim Kamali in his book (1995) “fixed punishments are likewise known as Hudud because they are meant to prevent crime, and signify the limit of what is tolerable and what is not”. Deterrence is the basic philosophy of hudud in order to prevent harm to the people, to prevent corruption and protect the essential legal interests. Some writers like Al-Mawardi (1973)makes a point of it in his definition of hudud as “deterrent punishments which God has enacted in order to prevent man from committing what He forbade and from neglecting what He commanded.(p.221)
As a matter of fact, if hudud was implemented properly, and with the correct guidelines, it could prove to be very effective and relevant law in combating the rising number of criminal offenses. For examples, a conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabian delegate by the name of Dr Dawalibi had confidently said “I have been in this country for seven years… and I have never saw, or heard of any amputation of the hand for stealing.” Another delegate was also reported to have said, “In this manner, in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where Islamic Law is enforced, state money is transferred from one town to another, from one bank to another, in ordinary car, without any escort or protection, but the car driver”. This is because the crime extremely rare.
Severe punishment does seem to be a good deterrent for criminal offences which has made possible for all to live in perfect security and tranquility. People would think twice before committing any sinful acts. As state earlier, it is proven that the main objective in hudud is not to punish, but to restrain and deter man from committing crime and offence. Thus, the implementation of hudud is relevant and effective law in combating crimes in Malaysia.
2.2 Argument 2: Hudud law is applicable to all
The Islamic law is a public law and is equally applicable to all the inhabitants of an Islamic states including non muslim. It guaranteed the fairness to muslim and non muslim in Malaysia. In Malaysia, we live in a multi racial as well as multireligious country. Malaysian population consist of various races which are islam 60%, Chinese 19%, Christianity 9%, indian6%, and others 6% (Wikipedia). Each race has its own principle and religion, but it is not mean that Islamic law is not applicable to them. Most of us misunderstood the implementation of hudud law and that is why we rejected it from the beginning. Allah made the law not for the Muslim only. It also governed all kinds of people regardless of their religious background. Abdul Qadir ‘Oudah Shaheed(1997)
The applicability is universal which means it is for the entire mankind. It is not territorial, being confined only to a particular part of the globe. It comprehends all the peoples of the world, irrespective of race, and color and of territorial and national limits. It addresses both muslim and non-muslim people living in the Islamic and non Islamic states.(p 320)
We should know that the implementation is based on certain requirements which are according to place, time and individual. The burden of proof also is higher than the civil law which is beyond the shadow of doubt. The law is also applicable to the non-Muslim but somehow the restriction under the law is slightly different in matter pertaining to the religious matter. Prophet Muhammad has given the basic ruling in a Hadith, “Prevent the application of Hadd punishment as you can whenever any doubt persists.”(Bulugh al-Maram, hadith no:1047) Once this ruling was applied, it reduced the number of Hadd punishments in the Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia. When the benefit of doubt is resolved in favor of the accused supposing in the case of theft, a lesser punishment by Ta’zir is given because the doubts relates to the criteria and not the conviction.
Anwarullah(1997) is right when he states “ as a right of ALLAH means that it is meant for the betterment of the society.” (p.112). society here refers to all whether they are muslim or non-muslim. In order to do that, there must be an organization to be responsible to assured that the law been governed properly.
Besides that, there are some countries which already enforced the punishment such as Sudan. Although the populations of the country are not all Muslim, the enforcement still can be done as the Sudanese government had making steps in making the punishment to be implemented. There is no difference between Muslim and non-Muslim. The differences arise only in an offence which is based on the violation of any religious command. In example, when other religions do allow the followers to drink wine, they will not be punished, but they will only be prohibited to drink it publicly before the Muslims.
So, there should no be dispute about the applicability of the law to the non-Muslims because in the end all laws are seeking for justice. The laws that Allah made for us are not meant for the Muslims only and Allah as the sovereign under the law had given the power to the authority in dealing with matters pertaining to judiciary on there should not be any discrimination between the Muslim and the non-Muslims in upheld justice.
2.3 Counter Argument: hudud are harsh and violates international human right.
Some people and activist argued that Hudud law contravences multiple norms and values of international human right. It is argued that the hudud portion of sharia is incompatible with humanist or western understanding of human rights. Shahrul Mizan Ismail (2006) further stated:
The fact that it involves the right of God signifies that it is meant to be mandatory punishment, a demand from God that requires fulfillment and no one, including the victim, judge or the head of state has authority to alter or modify what more to pardon or suspend it. Due to these reasons, Muslim countries are usually of the view that the enforcement of such punishment is a non-negotiable religious obligation. Human rights activists on the other hand, argued that the implementation of the hudud contravenes multiple norms and values of international human rights law. Ever since then, there have been many attempts to stop the aforesaid violations by stopping altogether the implementation of hudud punishments in numerous Muslim countries. (p.1)
The Islamic jurisprudence have been approved that ‘Hudud’ is limited to punishments for crimes which have been stated in the Holy Quran and further elaborated by the Sunnah of the Prophet S.A.W, they cannot be objected to, cannot be increased or decreased as it is Allah’s right. (Abdur Rahman I.Doi, 1992; Yahaya Yunusa Bambale, 2003). The punishments include capital punishment by sword/ crucifixion or by stoning, amputation of hands, and flogging with a number of strokes. They argued that these punishments is harsh and in violation of human rights by advocates of international human rights law. According to Shahrul mizan Ismail (2006) the punishments of hudud violate the norms of international human right as they prohibits the implementation of the torture and any form of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment regardless of the offence committed and its has been repeatedly declared by Human right writes to be falling within the domain of the said phrase. According to human rights activists in relation to hudud punishments mostly relates to issues, unrelated to the nature and quantum of the punishments. They argued that the punishments were recklessly inflicted upon the accused and many violations of accused rights for example right to defense, right to appeal, right against retroactive criminal law and many more.
According to Rose Ismail(2002) in several muslim countries where hudud was practised, based on comparative research done, widespread injustice especially towards women revealed. More women compared to men have been kept in jail for long period of time pending trial under hudud law based on research done by Women lawyers and human rights groups in Pakistan, sudan, and Iran. Also, they indicated that men are arrested frequently than women on adultery and fornication crimes. Thus for this, they come out with conclusion that Malaysia should not implement hudud law to avoid these abuses, harshness and violation of human rights.
2.4 Refutation: hudud not contravence multiple norms and human rights.
In Islamic law, the theory of punishment is based on the belief in divine revelation contained in the Quran and the sunnah, the harshness of the hudud penalties can never be questioned. The idea that human judgement alone could determine the appropriateness or cruelty of a punishment decreed by God is simply out of the is interesting to quote very relevant argument regarding this international human right law by Shahrul Mizan Ismail (2006) he stated:
The methodologies adopted by many human rights advocates in dealing with the issues of Hudud punishments are typically shadowed by the following pattern of actions: First, publicly judging the legitimacy of these punishments by the yardstick of international human rights law. Second, excessively emphasizing on the severity of the said punishments, and denouncing them to be in contravention with the universal norms of human rights. Third, demanding obedience from states practicing Hudud by abolishing the punishments or repealing the laws which prescribe them, usually on the basis of the states’ ratification of the international treaties which prohibit the implementation of the said punishments or customary international law. (pp.3-4).
According to Yahaya Yunus Bambale(2003)the severity of punishment in hudud is to achieve the object of punishment that is the real reformation and rehabilitation of the mankind. The function and purposes of punishment also must take into consideration as punishment under Islamic Criminal justice system including Hudud consist of four main theories, that are, the theory of deterrence, the theory of retribution, the theory of reformation and also the theory of compensation. The infliction of punishment should be just and commensurate with the crime committed. for this, justice is only done when the offender appropriately punished.
Thus, from the discussion, it is very obvious that human rights advocates have a very limited prospect of success in pressuring the governments to practice hudud laws by simply relying on the so called universal norms of international human rights law. Muslims believe that although the punishments are harsh and violate the norms of international human rights, the implementation of such punishments is mainly necessary to deter future crimes from occurring.
In order to refute the argument that hudud punishments violates the rights of accused as occurring in countries practicing hudud , in fact these violations are not caused by the original nature and quantum of the punishments but are due to procedural abuses and errors in implementing the said punishment. Hudud guaranteed rights of accused supporting this, Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah(n.d) , Nagaty Sanad (1991) discuss that Islam guarantees justice for the accused likes the right to defense, the right to judicial trial, the right to a just and impartial Trial, guarantees of the accused during interrogation and other rights and guarantees just like any other conventional punishment. The obvious justice is punishment is only sentenced on the accused if there is no doubt. In a hadith it is narrated “Avoid from giving hudud ruling as far as you can avoid it”.(sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith no:2545).
2.5 Islamic Perspective:
Hudud laws are God’s law and this is stated in the Qur’an. Muslims must therefore implement and abide by such laws for the betterment of human kind. This is mentioned by Allah:
“hence judge between the followers of earlier revelation in accordance with what God has bestowed from on high. And do not follow their errant views; and beware of them, lest they tempt thee away from aught that God has bestowed from on high upon thee. And if they turn away (from his commandments) they know that it is but God’s will (thus) to afflict them for some of their sins: for, be hold, a great many people are iniquitous indeed. Do they, perchance, desire (to be ruled by) the law pagan ignorance? But for people who have inner certainty, which could be a better law-giver than God? (Al-maidah: 49-50).
The concept of hudud are not really meant to consist of punishments, nor of purely punitive and mandatory sanctions.It is true when Hashim Kamali(1997) stress that “the basic concern of hudud Allah in the Quran is clearly with the moral limits of conduct in the sense of identifying what is generally good and righteous.” (p.49). the implementation itself is more to apply a set of broad moral and legal guidelines which must be observed and upheld.
In conclusions, it is clear to say that Hudud laws should be implementing in Malaysia at this present time. It is because it is relevant and effective law in combating crimes, it is applicable to all, and it is not contravenes multiple norms and values of international human right law. It has to be noted that, Hudud even though just a small part of Islamic Criminal Law and Islamic jurisprudence, but it must be uphold as much as we can. Although it is hard to accept new changes, we are on duty to enforce the Islamic law. It is true that government is the powerful authority to enforce this hudud law in our country but , the burden is not only to the government, but the muslim as the whole. In my humble point of view, as the religious matter is a matter of the state, there must be an action taken by the states and they should do it hand in hand to make sure the punishment organized in each state. Many objections had been made again this application but we must accept that it is not wrong to implement hudud as long as we adhered to it and accept it as it is. Also, our judiciary body as one of the organs of the enforcement should play their role to enforce this hudud law instead of totally relying on the civil and common law in governing most of our problems. We have independence for 52 years, now it is time to have our own common law and Islamic law specifically and enforce this law.
Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali (2000). The Holy Quran: Text and Translations. Kuala Lumpur:
Islamic Book Trust.
Islamic Book Trust.
Abdur Rahman I.Doi (1992). Shari’ah: The Islamic Law. Malaysia: Percetakan Zafar
Sdn.Bhd. Kuala Lumpur.
Mohd. Hashim Kamali (2000). Islamic Law In Malaysia: Issues and Developments.
Kuala Lumpur: Ilmiah Publisher.
Kuala Lumpur: Ilmiah Publisher.
Anwarullah(1997) :The Criminal Law of Islam. Brunei:Islamic Legal Speacialist,
Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Yahaya Yunusa Bambale(2003) :Crimes And Punishment Under Islamic Law : Malthousa Press Limited.
Abdul Qadir ‘Oudah (1997) :Criminal Law of Islam : Malaysia: International Islamic Publisher.
Rose Ismail(2002) Hudud In Malaysia. The Issues At Stake : Malaysia: Ilmiah Publisher.
Shahrul Mizan Ismail. (2006) The Dilemma of Hudud and International Human Rights: Proposing a Benevolent Mechanism Retrieved December 13, 2009, from
Hafiz Firdaus Abdullah (n.d) Characteristic of Hudud, The Islamic Criminal Law Retrieved December 26, 2009, from
Monday, January 17, 2011
MampuKah Aku?
wah........ tajuk bgitu gempak....
tapi..ader aku kisah..xder kan........
x nak citer panjang2....
hari ni dah cukup penat giler..
dari kul 8.30 dah ade kat IMKL (tempat amik lesen Memandu) ngan salwa sampai kul 4..........
dengar ceramah KPP..aduyai..2lah lenkali amik lesen awal2 yer..
bosan gak duk dengar jer..tapi sesi yang kedua ngan cik Mat memg x mngantuk lansung ..
asyik wat lawak jer dia..BEST........... perut aku dah kebas2 coz asyik ktawa jer..
x yah tunggu final sem mcm aku ni baru nk nasihat aku ..
bukan aper, seng gak..if ader aper2 berlaku eg..x pass ke boleh continue lg sem2 yang ader 2...
PADA MALAM NI , tepat kul 8 bertampat di AIKOL, AKU (Ofis Girl @ tukang amik order makanan), CHEMA (minah Despatch a.k.a penghantar aku membeli makanan), AIN (sebagai Bos dengan undian Majoriti) CIK SALWA (Penghibur bunyi-bunyian) , & KAMILAH (secretary utama a.k.a pemerah otak kitorang) DAH BRAPER JAM DRAFT CIVIL PROCEDURE PUNYER AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT AND AFFIDAVIT IN REPLY .. x siap2 lagi....
LENGUH KPALE OTAK PIKIR.......... aku dah penat!!!!!!!!!!! kuar ngan chema g beli roti canai, topup untuk otak jap, pastu topup lemak skali..........
after mkn2....
sambung skit lagi......
kadang2 aku pikir macamane aku nak jadi lawyer ni..
ni baru skit........
mampukah aku
dah la.. tu jer..
pas siap2 boleh plak kami amik gambar..
layan je lah..
dah final sem....
chema, kamilah, ilah, salwa & ain.
aku ngantuk..... tu jer la...
ceriter x segempak tajuk dia..hihihi..
ok..gud nite.......
Friday, January 14, 2011
DuGaan Oh DuGaaN......
hari ni selongkar sumule beg n buku2 sume..
jenis aku ni suke selit matrik kad kt dalam buku..senang nk masuk library..
library pun satu canggih sangat la konon...
kna touch2 plak..
padahal if org luar nk masuk boleh jer gn matrik kad org len or bg alasan matrik kad tertinggal or sebgainyer...
macm alasan aku tadi..
aku kata kat kakak jage library 2 matrik kad tertingggal kat dalam jaket kesayangan aku 2..aku ingat ade kat situ....
lantas kakak 2 kater sambil (macm nk marah kot)....
"dik, len kali jgn tinggal2 kat matrik..dah tau nk masuk library kan? len kali bawak....sepatutnyer kite x bagi masuk".... aku pun buat la muke kesian plus mcm x bersalah... kakak 2 pun lantas berkata..dik, ikut pintu 1,hahaha...lepas gak aku masuk library...
balik dari discussion, try la tgk dalm jaket. tgk xder dalm jaket...... kuciwa la jugak...
aiyakkk!!!!! aku pun bukn main menyelongkar bilik, beg n buku2 aku..........
dah try perah otak cari kat mane last letak..
tapi... x ingat sampai kesudah...... otak pun bukan main kusut.if ilang, kena mengadap pak guard buat kad matrik baru, pas2 nk masuk library pun susah... pas2 dah la nk dapat kad matrik baru 2 amik mase gak....
tapi, yg bestnyer mase kad matrik ilang ni..
aku terpikir........
satu perkara yang relate dalam hidup kiter sumer...
if ALLAH nk ilangkan satu2 benda or nk satu2 benda berlaku.. Dia maha berkuasa.. if kiter x nak thats thing happen pun, kalau ALLAH kate jadi, JaDilah.....
kiter ni saper? nak menongkat langit? tgk diri kita dulu.... kita ni kecik n kerdil sangat berbanding ngan Dia... nk MARAH? nk marah pada saper? pada ALLAH? tgk dulu diri kiter ni macmmaner......
ok... konklusinyer stiap ape2pun dalam hidup kita baik atau buruk, kiter suker atau tidak, senang atau susah...mungkin ade hikmah, positif tu penting, terutama positif terhadap ALLAH, ni tak, kiter ni (aku mendahului carta teratas) bile dah di beri dugaan sikit cepat sangat melatah... mungkin ader hikmahnyer kad matrik aku ni ilang..... so, trima jelah.... yang pasti AKU AKAN POSITIF!!!!
hari ni selongkar sumule beg n buku2 sume..
jenis aku ni suke selit matrik kad kt dalam buku..senang nk masuk library..
library pun satu canggih sangat la konon...
kna touch2 plak..
padahal if org luar nk masuk boleh jer gn matrik kad org len or bg alasan matrik kad tertinggal or sebgainyer...
macm alasan aku tadi..
aku kata kat kakak jage library 2 matrik kad tertingggal kat dalam jaket kesayangan aku 2..aku ingat ade kat situ....
lantas kakak 2 kater sambil (macm nk marah kot)....
"dik, len kali jgn tinggal2 kat matrik..dah tau nk masuk library kan? len kali bawak....sepatutnyer kite x bagi masuk".... aku pun buat la muke kesian plus mcm x bersalah... kakak 2 pun lantas berkata..dik, ikut pintu 1,hahaha...lepas gak aku masuk library...
balik dari discussion, try la tgk dalm jaket. tgk xder dalm jaket...... kuciwa la jugak...
aiyakkk!!!!! aku pun bukn main menyelongkar bilik, beg n buku2 aku..........
dah try perah otak cari kat mane last letak..
tapi... x ingat sampai kesudah...... otak pun bukan main kusut.if ilang, kena mengadap pak guard buat kad matrik baru, pas2 nk masuk library pun susah... pas2 dah la nk dapat kad matrik baru 2 amik mase gak....
tapi, yg bestnyer mase kad matrik ilang ni..
aku terpikir........
satu perkara yang relate dalam hidup kiter sumer...
if ALLAH nk ilangkan satu2 benda or nk satu2 benda berlaku.. Dia maha berkuasa.. if kiter x nak thats thing happen pun, kalau ALLAH kate jadi, JaDilah.....
kiter ni saper? nak menongkat langit? tgk diri kita dulu.... kita ni kecik n kerdil sangat berbanding ngan Dia... nk MARAH? nk marah pada saper? pada ALLAH? tgk dulu diri kiter ni macmmaner......
ok... konklusinyer stiap ape2pun dalam hidup kita baik atau buruk, kiter suker atau tidak, senang atau susah...mungkin ade hikmah, positif tu penting, terutama positif terhadap ALLAH, ni tak, kiter ni (aku mendahului carta teratas) bile dah di beri dugaan sikit cepat sangat melatah... mungkin ader hikmahnyer kad matrik aku ni ilang..... so, trima jelah.... yang pasti AKU AKAN POSITIF!!!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
BloG BerMuLa LaGi...
Ni Bukan kali pertama aku menulis blog..
slama ni aku dah ade 6 blog yang aku daftar..
tapi aku buat tuk aku sorang je boleh tengok.. mcm klakar pun ade..hihi..
tapi kali ni aku mcm nak serius...
azam tahun baru kot..
pastu aku tgk blogger2 yang dah top & meletop dan kawan2 aku..
macm ade satu kekuatan tuk aku menulis blog kmbali...
Ya..InshaALLAH.. pasni aku kena pandai mmbahagikan masa aku menulis kembali..
sume yang jadi dalam hidup aku ni, aper yang aku nak luahkan aku akan luah kat sini..
blog ni jugak temp[at aku membina keyakinan diri sendiri..
yup!!! that is the ultimate hope....
ini baru permulaan dan aku harap pas ni aku boleh maintain menulis blog...
slama ni aku dah ade 6 blog yang aku daftar..
tapi aku buat tuk aku sorang je boleh tengok.. mcm klakar pun ade..hihi..
tapi kali ni aku mcm nak serius...
azam tahun baru kot..
pastu aku tgk blogger2 yang dah top & meletop dan kawan2 aku..
macm ade satu kekuatan tuk aku menulis blog kmbali...
Ya..InshaALLAH.. pasni aku kena pandai mmbahagikan masa aku menulis kembali..
sume yang jadi dalam hidup aku ni, aper yang aku nak luahkan aku akan luah kat sini..
blog ni jugak temp[at aku membina keyakinan diri sendiri..
yup!!! that is the ultimate hope....
ini baru permulaan dan aku harap pas ni aku boleh maintain menulis blog...
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